Activities & Events
The Gateway Boat Club enjoys life on the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers. In addition to the numerous and various things to do in the Alton Pool Area, the Gateway Boat Club sponsors and holds activities and events that all participants enjoy and rave about. Check out these planned events for 2019.

We often take time to relax on a river island!

Our Life is great in marinas from Sioux Harbor to Harbor Point!

Our life is good everywhere on the river!

We often take time to relax on a river island!
Upcoming Activities and Events
Best Times: May - October

> Season Opener April 25 @ Pere Marquette from 2p - 6p
> Season Launch Party June 20 @ Grafton Harbor All Day
> Alton Marina Bash July 3 - 7@ Alton Marina All Day
> Family Houseboat Cruise Jul 31 - Aug 3 @ Kemtucky Lake
> GBC River Fest September 12 @ TBD
> Sioux Harbor Fish Fry October 3 from 3p - 8p

Our life is all good everywhere on the river!

Our life is great in marinas from Sioux Harbor to Harbor Point!

We often take time to relax on a river island!

Our life is all good everywhere on the river!
River Events
Look for future updates after May 15

Our life is great in marinas from Sioux Harbor to Harbor Point!

Our life is all good everywhere on the river!

We often take time to relax on a river island!

Our life is great in marinas from Sioux Harbor to Harbor Point!
Alton Pool Announcements
Be on the look out for Announcements after May 15.